I've harbored a lifelong enthusiasm for bringing ideas to life. It all started at the age of ten with a roadside candy stand, progressed to selling custom graduation-gift pens during college, and culminated in founding the global bond trading firm DebtTraders. Additionally, I established an investment management firm, NUKU. Throughout this diverse journey, my enduring passion for programming has been a constant. Creating web applications for others isn't just a job for me; it's a genuine commitment, from crafting fundraising apps for non-profits (Tree Recycle, Ecycle) to developing an app for my daughter to sell slime online (trying to foster her entreprenurial spirit), to engineering multiple corporate apps.
As a seasoned Ruby on Rails full-stack developer, I possess expertise in application design, development, and deployment. See common application challenges and solutions that I've worked on. Proficient in evaluating both existing and new applications, I thrive in facilitating discussions among stakeholders and playing a pivotal role as a lead engineering contributor in various leadership capacities.